Tuesday, 2 September 2008

Google takes on Microsoft with new browser

Google opened up another front in its battle with Microsoft last night, with the surprise launch of a new web browser to add to its growing list of applications.
The search giant said Chrome had been created to better handle interactive applications and resource-hungry web pages such as video clips and online games. It is also less likely to crash, it claimed.
A test version of the browser will be available for download later today.
Analysts said Chrome, which was announced at the same time as new YouTube-like video communications services from Google, could take market share from Microsoft's Internet Explorer, as well as other browsers such as Opera and Firefox.


I read this earlier today but no time to post until now


Now it appears if you use any of the variations of Google country wise as a home/start page they are offing this:

Google UK <-- the beta version and this is the application page

Google IE <-- nothing as yet

My personal opinion about this new browser is, apart from Google trying again to monopolise the IT market. A very public release of a BETA application, one bad decision/move and the potential for borked systems is a very serious issue I think.

This is one to watch and I will investigate as I am very probably correctly guessing Google will have some form of foistware/snooping feature like the Google Toolbar.

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